No. 2, Myo Thit Ward, Other Tsp., Mattayar
I-16, 66th St., Bet. Ngu Shwe Wah and Tharaphi St., Other Tsp., Mandalay
No. (2) Bayint Naung Ward. Other Tsp., Mattayar
Pan Ya Village. Other Tsp., Mattayar
Bet. 33rd and 34th St., Bet. 82nd and 83rd St. Other Tsp., Mandalay
301, Dae Won St., Bet. 34th and 35th St., Bet. 89th and 90th St., Chan Aye Thazan Tsp., Mandalay
A-10, 29th St., Bet. 53rd and 54th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay
Ngar Man Aung Pagoda St., (33) Ward, North Dagon Tsp., Yangon
1203/B, Thitsar Rd., (7) Ward, South Okkalapa Tsp., Yangon