Myo Tha St., Zay Ward. Other Tsp., Yesagyo

  062-30018 , 062-30207

  Lala-83(4/5/18/19), Tabin Shwe Htee St., Bet. 48th and 49th St., Ind. Zone (2), Other Tsp., Mandalay

  02-5153843 , 09-2026775

  Ext. (1), Hman Tan Ward, Amarapura Tsp., Mandalay


  273, Meikhtila St., Cor. of Zawtika St., Myoma Kwet Thit Qtr. Other Tsp., Kyauk Pa Daung

  061-50605 , 061-52068

  1/106, Baho St., Bet. 11th and 12th St., Ind. Zone. Other Tsp., Taunggyi

  081-27458 , 081-27057

  B-4/2 (75), Manaw Thukha St., Ind. Zone. Other Tsp., Shwebo

  09-2036089 , 09-47060129

  Yay Nan Chaung St., San Pya Ward. Other Tsp., Kyauk Pa Daung

  061-50228 , 061-51310

  25th St., Bet. 84th St. and 85th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay

  02-64039 , 09-2002381

  West of Myo Ma Market. Other Tsp., Mattayar

  02-79082 , 09-33842560

  Pale Thwe St., Ind. Zone, Other Tsp., Shwebo

  09-47061234 , 09-6460702

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