H-218/75, Kanaung Minthar Gyi St., Bet. 57th and 58th St., Other Tsp., Mandalay


  Nya Nya 18/65, 58th St., Pyi Gyi Tagon Tsp., Mandalay

  02-5153698 , 09-2021454

  88th St., Bet. 17th and 18th St., Aung Myay Thazan Tsp., Mandalay

  02-31866 , 09-2003284

  Lala-84/12, Tabin Shwe Htee St., Ind. Zone (2). Other Tsp., Mandalay


  43-44, Zizawah St., Ind. Zone. Other Tsp., Monywa

  071-25269 , 071-22178

  17, U Myel St., Cor. Nawaday St., Ind. Zone (3), Hlaing Tsp., Yangon


  Shwe Hlan Bo St., Bet. 50th and 51st St. Other Tsp., Mandalay

  02-55291 , 02-5153652

  354-356, Kun Chan Ward. Other Tsp., Pathein

  042-22332 , 042-24348

  51, U Kyar Ohn St., Khittayar Ind. Zone. Other Tsp., Pyay

  053-25528 , 053-24900

  Yangon-Mandalay Rd., Thiri Mingalar Ward. Other Tsp., Meikhtilar

  064-23239 , 09-2200329

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