Nga-32, Hnget Kan Taung Kwet Thit. Other Tsp., Kyauk Se

  09-91051806 , 09-91041515

  32, Mandalay-Lashio Rd., Other Tsp., Pyin Oo Lwin

  085-21307 , 09-2044685

  D-9/C-10, (G/F), Nyaung Pin Lay Plaza, Lanmadaw Tsp., Yangon

  01-211233 , 09-5164042

  118/A, Yadanar St., Ind. Zone (1), North Okkalapa Tsp., Yangon

  01-665098 , 09-5118363

  53, Shwe Taung Kyar St., Shwe Taung Kyar (2) Qtr., Bahan Tsp., Yangon

  01-535347 , 01-526306


  North of Pyin Zay, Aung Zeya St., (1) Ward, Other Tsp., Shwebo

  09-400026642 , 09-2132805

  No. (2), Bo Tayza Ward. Other Tsp., Mattayar

  02-79717 , 09-2055234

  179/180, Makkhayar Minthargyi St., Ind. Zone (1), Dagon Seikkan Tsp., Yangon

  01-592287 , 01-592208


  226(B), 80th St., Bet. 17th and 18th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay

  02-23520 , 09-91018435

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