19th St., Cor. of 89th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay
10/61 (Ka), Botayar St., Yan Aung (1) Ward, Pyinmana Tsp., Nay Pyi Taw
408-410, 1st Flr., Samsung Plaza, Maha Bandoola Rd., Cor. of 35th St., Kyauktada Tsp., Yangon
25, Front Row, Theingyi Zay Blk. (D), 24th St., Latha Tsp., Yangon
20/A, Merchant Rd., Other Tsp., Pathein
46, Bet. 39th and 40th St., Bet. 56th and 57th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay
360, Bayint Naung Rd., (144) Ward, South Dagon Tsp., Yangon