43(A), Infront of Chantha Gyi Pagoda Bldg., Ah Shae Pyin Ward. Other Tsp., Meikhtilar
140/2, West of Myo Ma Market, Sat San Tun St., Other Tsp., Taunggyi
25, Kyaik Khauk Pagoda Rd., Ahmu Htan Ward. Other Tsp., Thanlyin
38th St., Bet. 82nd and 83rd St. Other Tsp., Mandalay
26(B)th St., Pike Kyone Ward. Other Tsp., Mandalay
22, 27th St., Bet. 63rd and 64th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay
37th St., Bet. 74th and 75th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay
7/205, South of Aye Mya Thidar Market. Other Tsp., Myingyan
Kyauk Kar St., Infront of Phyu Sin Myittar Hospital. Other Tsp., Monywa