Rm# (9-10), Shed (45), Sawbwagyigone, Insein Tsp., Yangon

  01-640159 , 01-647725

  178, 25th St., Bet. 83rd and 84th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay

  02-71867 , 09-2022362

  Bldg. E-3, Rm# 49, Thiri Yadanar Retail and Wholesale Market, North Okkalapa Tsp., Yangon


  9, Gone Yone St., Dawei Su Ward. Other Tsp., Myeik

  059-41518 , 09-5079679

  538, Hlawga St., (21) Ward, South Dagon Tsp., Yangon

  01-3591672 , 01-3590821

  60, Sipin Thayar Market, Other Tsp., Myingyan

  066-21462 , 066-22125

  Ku Thi Nar Yone St., (8) Ward. Other Tsp., Pakokku

  062-23098 , 09-2300096

  8/21(A), 45th St., Other Tsp., Myingyan


  1, Nyaung Yan St., Cor. or Innwa St., (14/5) Ward, Shwe Paukkan, North Okkalapa Tsp., Yangon

  01-9695297 , 01-695913

  180, Tharaphi Pin Letkyar, Bet. 25th and 26th St., Bet. 83rd and 84th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay

  09-2013254 , 09-43104029

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