243, 83rd St., Bet. 28th and 29th St. Other Tsp., Kyauk Se

  02-69851 , 02-23868

  2, 1st Flr., Thazin (E) Shed, Zaycho. Other Tsp., Meikhtilar

  09-5162013 , 09-965162013

  32nd and 33rd St., 71st and 72nd St., Other Tsp., Kyauk Se

  09-2028110 , 09-2009536

  160, Bet. 27th St. and 28th St., Bet. 75th St. and 76th St., Other Tsp., Kyauk Se

  02-23358 , 02-70058

  1137, 5th St., (7) Ward, South Okkalapa Tsp., Kyauk Se

  01-572145 , 01-569789

  86/6, Man Yadanar Bldg., 86th St., Bet. 25th and 26th St. Other Tsp., Meikhtilar

  02-36055 , 02-23220

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