114, 78th St., Bet. 36th and 37th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay
9, 2nd Flr., Thukha St., Myaynigone, Sanchaung Tsp., Yangon
A1-A2, Yangon-Mandalay Rd., East Mok of Phayargyi. Other Tsp., Mandalay
23/B, 1st Flr., Hledan Rd., Kamayut Tsp., Yangon
157, Win Myanmar Bldg, 84th St., Cor. of 31st St. Other Tsp., Mandalay
10, Thama Seikta St., Hlaing Tsp., Yangon
Bldg. 3, Rm# D, Hledan Rd., Top of Hledan 1st St., Kamayut Tsp., Yangon
89, 43rd St., Upper Blk., Botahtaung Tsp., Yangon