895, Pin Lon St., (34) Ward, North Dagon Tsp., Yangon

  09-763391633 , 09-763391634

  A/21, 6th St., Shwe MIn Wun Ward. Other Tsp., Sagaing

  09-428320530 , 09-31436686

  Shwe Myin Tin St., Plot (2). Other Tsp., Pakokku

  09-2300889 , 09-2301684

  36, 62nd St., Bet. Daeliyer and Zalatwar St., Chan Mya Thasi Tsp., Mandalay

  02-65540 , 09-250212144

  85th St., Bet. 28th and 29th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay

  09-5079086 , 09-5079087

  492, Thitsar Rd., South Okkalapa Tsp., Yangon

  09-91044545 , 09-5144566

  152-153, 65th St., Bet. Tharyarwaddy and Myawaddy Min Gyi St., Pyi Gyi Tagon Tsp., Mandalay

  09-5148701 , 09-91015422

  166, 73rd St., Bet. 33rd and 34th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay


  86th St., Bet. 27th and 28th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay

  09-91010721 , 09-2017919

  F/533-534, Theingyi Zay Shed (D), Latha Tsp., Yangon

  01-240600 , 01-374443

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