B-10, Khayay St., Bayint Naung Warehouse, Mayangone Tsp., Yangon

  01-680383 , 01-528706

  T-3, Pyi Gyi Mingalar Bus Compound, Infront of Swel Taw, Other Tsp., Mandalay

  09-73491299 , 09-73491300

  Rm# (5), Shed (3), Kywe Se Kan, Other Tsp., Mandalay


  Papa/24-A, Bet. Phoe Yar Zar St. and Sawe Taw St., Ind. Zone (1), Pyi Gyi Tagon Tsp., Mandalay

  02-5153539 , 09-91009881

  B/78-B, Kantkaw 5th Lane, Bayint Naung Warehouse, Mayangone Tsp., Yangon

  01-680632 , 09-73113809

  262/21, Bet. 31st and 32nd St., Bet. 85th and 86th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay

  02-39700 , 09-2007313

  180, 73rd St., Bet. 34th and 35th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay

  02-66744 , 02-74464

  # 12, Shed-AA, Pyi Gyi Mingalar Bus Compound, Other Tsp., Mandalay

  02-4022047 , 09-975160144

  B-6, Khayay St., Bayint Naung Warehouse, Mayangone Tsp., Yangon

  01-680585 , 09-8500966

  A-135, Khattar St., Bayint Naung Warehouse, Mayangone Tsp., Yangon

  01-683020 , 01-682758

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