Category: Transportation Service |

  45-46, Nawaday Highway Station. Other.Tsp, Pyay

  053-25634 , 053-22764

Category: Convenience Stores | Stationery |

  391, Sit Ke St., Other.Tsp, Pyay

  053-24161 , 09-5312394

Category: Hotels |

  12, Nawaday St., Mingyi Taung Sinsu Qtr., Other.Tsp, Pyay

  053-24635 , 053-25949

Category: Furniture Marts |

  231/276, Letthamar St., Other.Tsp, Pyay


Category: Mobile Telephones and Accessories |

  1, Meeyahtar Bldg., Tat St., San Taw Ward. Other.Tsp, Pyay

  053-25950 , 09-421045363

Category: Fashion Shops |

  1-2, Sway Nway Pagoda Bldg., Lanmadaw St., Other.Tsp, Pyay


Category: Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts |

  A-5, Railway Bldg., Yangon-Pyay Rd., Other.Tsp, Pyay

  053-27414 , 09-5179368

Category: Guest Houses |

  752 (A), Bogyoke St., Near Buter. Other.Tsp, Pyay


Category: Clinics - General |

  515, Sway Nway Pagoda St., Other.Tsp, Pyay

  053-21847 , 053-25420

Category: Scales and Weighing Equipment |

  833, Bogyoke St., Near of Shwe Nan Oo Pagoda. Other.Tsp, Pyay

  053-24129 , 09-5312526



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