Near Yan Aung Bus Stand, East Side of Min Nandar Rd., Thaketa Tsp., Yangon
3, Pyihtaungsu St., (1) Ward, Other Tsp., Lashio
149, Yangon-Mandalay Rd., South of Theikpan St., Other Tsp., Mandalay
East of No. (2) Market, Beside of Pathein-Monywa Rd., Myit Chay. Other Tsp., Pakokku
Plot 319, Htin Win Ward, West Dae Wun, Chan Aye Thazan Tsp., Mandalay
16, 26th Bayint Naung Rd., Bet. 91st and 92nd St. Other Tsp., Mandalay
Ha-6/86, 68th St., Bet. 69th St., Pyi Gyi Tagon Tsp., Mandalay