58th St., Bet. Min Ye Kyaw Swar and Ba Htoo St., Pyi Gyi Tagon Tsp., Mandalay
241, Kyansitthar St., Cor. of 12th St., (1) Ward, Mayangone Tsp., Yangon
53, 87th St., Bet. 26th & 27th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay
20/A, Tahton Bridge St., Other Tsp., Mawlamyaing
64, 86th St., Bet. 27th and 28th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay
18, Theingyi Market, 26th St., Pabedan Tsp., Yangon
18, B.E.H.S (1) St., Yan Kin (Aung Mingalar) Ward. Other Tsp., Magway