118/122, Bo Aung Kyaw St., Lower Blk., Botahtaung Tsp., Yangon

  01-398566 , 01-398563

  151/153, Thiri Yadanar Market. Other Tsp., Nay Pyi Taw

  067-420791 , 067-420966


  Pyihtaungsu St., Cor. of Yakkan Kyaung St., Dawna Chan Ward. Other Tsp., Monywa

  09-773003040 , 09-444102080

  Rm# 131, (G/F), Bo Ywe St., Latha Tsp., Yangon

  09-73615555 , 09-73614444

  2/4, 35(A)th St., Bet. 87th and 88th St., Other Tsp., Mandalay

  02-4034722 , 02-4032606

  5/410, Bogyoke St. Other Tsp., Myingyan

  066-21484 , 09-2215679

  I-21/63, Bet. 65th and 66th St., Bet. Yawmingyi and Phoe Yarzar St. Other Tsp., Mandalay


  2, Bogyoke St., Myo Ma (3) Ward. Other Tsp., Nyaung Lay Pin

  052-50292 , 09-49516666

  160, 35(A)th St., Bet. 77th and 78th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay

  02-66316 , 09-2006996

  Sa.Tha.Ya Compound, Parami Yard. Other Tsp., Sagaing

  09-400463449 , 09-260393443

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