60, Thant Zin 1st Lane, Kyaik Wine Pagoda Rd., Mayangone Tsp., Yangon

  09-5152657 , 09-49227098

  Plot (124), Bet. 19th and 20th St., Bet. 86th and 87th St., Other Tsp., Mandalay

  02-69720 , 09-400414176

  Bet. Pwe Sar Tan and Kyauk Kar St., Middle Ward. Other Tsp., Monywa

  09-6818255 , 09-6818321

  49, 6th Flr., Lanthit St., Lanmadaw Tsp., Yangon

  01-224732 , 01-210586

  Kyaikwine Pagoda Rd., (3) Ward, NearKyaikwine Pagoda, Mayangone Tsp., Yangon

  09-425302262 , 09-444866540

  Bet. Pwe Sar Tan St. & Kyaukkar St., Middle Ward, Other Tsp., Monywa

  09-974582690 , 09-974582691

  Za/63, Arthawka St., Bayint Naung Warehouse, Mayangone Tsp., Yangon

  01-680828 , 01-681015

  78/D, 1st St., (8) Ward, South Okkalapa Tsp., Yangon

  09-420260587 , 09-30168731

  28th St., Bet. 79th and 80th St., China Town. Other Tsp., Mandalay

  02-4022029 , 09-2022750


  209/B, Shwegondaing Rd., Bahan Tsp., Yangon

  09-49263820 , 09-420031618

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