265, Pyay Rd., Cor. of Bargayar Rd., Sanchaung Tsp., Yangon
250/254, Shwebontha St., Middle Blk., Pabedan Tsp., Yangon
216, 1st Flr., 30th St., Upper Blk., Pabedan Tsp., Yangon
281, 84th St., Cor. of 35th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay
1736, Lower Mingalardon Rd., Phawtkan, Insein Tsp., Yangon
9/78, Lower Mingalardon Rd., Insein Tsp., Yangon
A/5-6, 33rd St., Bet. 77th and 78th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay
71, 78th St., Bet. 35th and 36th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay
45, Thameinbayan Rd., Tamwe Tsp., Yangon