South of Bogyoke Aung San Rd., Near Marga Cafe. Other Tsp., Mattayar

  02-79865 , 09-444014011

  22nd St., Bet. 86th and 87th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay

  09-91015080 , 09-5366456

  64th St., Cherry St., Beside Min Thiha Cafe. Other Tsp., Mandalay

  09-262626662 , 09-780777999

  88th St., Bet. 24th and 25th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay

  09-91001591 , 09-91004118

  11, San Pya Bldg., 62nd St., Bet. Khaing Shwe Wah and Manawhari St. Other Tsp., Mandalay

  02-82005 , 09-91036955

  28th St., Cor. of 80th St., Chan Aye Thazan Tsp., Mandalay

  02-60963 , 02-21323

  F-24/25, 3rd Flr., Shwe Pyae Sone Market, Mingalar Taung Nyunt Tsp., Yangon

  09-421141093 , 09-250726383

  D-16/N, Strand Rd., Night Market, Bet. Sule Pagoda & Pansodan St., Kyauktada Tsp., Yangon

  09-772928210 , 09-772928220

  19th St., Bet. 82nd and 83rd St. Other Tsp., Mandalay

  02-011-202721 , 09-402513144

  Tayoke Tan Market, Myoma Ward. Other Tsp., Bamaw

  09-43103134 , 09-47018678

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