227, 27th St., Bet. 82nd St. and 83rd St., Other Tsp., Mandalay
23, Thirimon Plaza, Sabei St., Mayangone Tsp., Yangon
70, 26th St., Bet. 81st & 82nd St., Chan Aye Thazan Tsp., Mandalay
24th St., Bet. 84th & 86th St., Aung Myay Thazan Tsp., Mandalay
Shed 3, Rm# 7/8, Pearl 6th St., Sawbwagyigone, Insein Tsp., Yangon
Merchant Rd., Bet. 26th St. and 83rd St., Aung Myay Thazan Tsp., Mandalay
265, 26(B)th St., Bet. 83rd and 84th St., Other Tsp., Mandalay