Strand Rd., North Zaiganine Qtr., Near Bago RailwayStation. Other Tsp., Bago
B-3, Thiri Yeikthar, 35th St., Bet. 70th and 71st St., Other Tsp., Mandalay
68, Bo Aung Kyaw St., Cor. of Anawrahta Rd., Kyauktada Tsp., Yangon
263, YMCA Bldg., 45th St., Botahtaung Tsp., Yangon
Bet. 62nd and 63rd St., Bet. 33rd and 34th St., Chan Aye Thazan Tsp., Mandalay
Bldg. 71, Rm# 5, (G/F), Bayint Naung Rd., Hlaing Tsp., Yangon