E/5, Shae Tan Pyan St., Bet. 35th and 36th St., Bet. 63rd and 64th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay

  02-62220 , 02-62653

  66, Under Ground, Theingyi Zay Shed (D), Latha Tsp., Yangon

  01-240600 , 09-420222318

  Shwe Ohn Thee St., Middle Ward. Other Tsp., Monywa

  071-23467 , 09-2101115

  No-1, Plot-590, Htee Taing Market, Zaycho. Other Tsp., Mandalay

  09-6538490 , 09-91019684

  41st St., Moe Kaung Curve, Sein Pann. Other Tsp., Mandalay

  09-259032240 , 09-250316360

  86th St., Bet. 85th and 86th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay

  09-426819063 , 09-400304095

  Bet. 81st and 82nd St., Bet. 35th and 36th St. Other Tsp., Mandalay

  09-2057077 , 09-2052470

  Bone Oh Village, Amarapura Tsp., Mandalay

  09-777710852 , 09-975831195

  4/12, 9th St., Cor. of Mg Khin St., Shwe Chi Ward. Pyinmana Tsp., Nay Pyi Taw

  067-21344 , 067-24168

  West/North of Myo Ma Market. Other Tsp., Mattayar

  02-79870 , 09-402697399

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