91, 31st St., Bet. 74th and 75th St., West Mandalay Medicine University,Other.Tsp, Mandalay

  02-2844800 , 02-2844900

  76th St., Near No. (2) Police Station, Myauk Pyin.Other.Tsp, Mandalay

  02-60550 , 09-6971496

  002~004, Bldg. 1, Shwe Wah Myaing Housing, Yangon-Insein Rd., Hlaing .Tsp, Yangon


  Pagoda St., Pyinmana .Tsp, Nay Pyi Taw


  93, Anawrahta Rd., Bet. 19th and 20th St.,Latha .Tsp, Yangon


  384, Lower Rd., Mayangon Ward.Other.Tsp, Mawlamyaing


  60, Phone Gyi St., Lanmadaw.Tsp, Yangon

  01-224738 , 09-799992576

  Za-37, Ziwaka Shop House, Thabyay Gone Market. Other.Tsp, Nay Pyi Taw

  067-432440 , 067-432441



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