65th St., Cor. of Thazin St., Myothit.Other.Tsp, Mandalay

  09-2020063 , 09-5240441

  38, 3rd St., Lanmadaw.Tsp, Yangon

  09-975892991 , 09-798262424


  Bet. 57th and 58th St., South of Aung San St.,Chan Mya Thasi .Tsp, Mandalay

  09-973227106 , 09-778809363

  Bldg. 59, Rm# 9, Kaba Aye Pagoda Rd., Near Chawdwingone Traffic,Mayangone .Tsp, Yangon

  01-704259 , 01-663336



  22, 14th St., Bet. 86th and 87th St.,Aung Myay Thazan.Tsp, Mandalay

  09-2038598 , 09-448017991


  138/1, Thanthumar Rd., (23) Ward, Thuwunna,Thingankyun.Tsp, Yangon

  09-250505812 , 09-455122015

  339, Yangon-Insein Rd., (2) Ward,Mayangone .Tsp, Yangon

  09-31067258 , 09-253347145

  258, 31st St., Cor. of 87th St.,Other.Tsp, Mandalay

  09-782003392 , 09-2003392

  971, Tabin Shwe Htee St., (9) Ward,East Dagon.Tsp, Yangon

  09-43015680 , 09-8615237

  48, Yarzardirit St., (8) Ward,East Dagon.Tsp, Yangon

  01-583081 , 09-8615994



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