85th St., Bet. 39th and 40th St.Other.Tsp, Mandalay
8, Mandalay-Lashio Rd., (8) Ward.Other.Tsp, Pyin Oo Lwin
68, Bo Aung Kyaw St., Cor. of Anawrahta Rd., Kyauktada .Tsp, Yangon
65th St., Bet. Zalat Wah and Daeliyar St.Other.Tsp, Mandalay
9/Ka Gyi-757, Bet. 68th and 69th St., Bet. 33rd and 34th St.,Chan Aye Thazan.Tsp, Mandalay
Near Bawgathiri Highway Station.Pyinmana .Tsp, Nay Pyi Taw
E2/41, 64th St., Cor. of Daeliyar St., Myothit.Other.Tsp, Mandalay
Dhama Pala St., Chaung Tha Beach.Other.Tsp, Pathein