Bet. 21st & 22nd St., Bet. 86th & 87th St., Yadanar Win St., Other Tsp., Mandalay
18/3, Makkhayar Minthar Gyi St., Cor. of Innwa St., Shwe Paukkan Ind. Zone, North Okkalapa Tsp., Yangon
60, 1st Flr., 5th St., Lanmadaw Tsp., Yangon
591/592/593, Nawarat 4th St., (5) Ward, Hlaing Thayar Tsp., Yangon
159, Kyan Sitthar St., Ind. Zone (4), Hlaing Thayar Tsp., Yangon
84th St., Back of East 44th St., West Entrance Myin Wun Mingyi Kyaung, Other Tsp., Mandalay
271, 31st St., Bet. 84th and 85th St., Other Tsp., Mandalay
138, Me Htee St., Myintha Ward. Other Tsp., Magway